Yes so I have been really lazy with this blog stuff, which I knew I would be. Classes have started, and I have not been able to work in my studio much lately.
Yesterday though, I wandered around the art supply store and stumbled upon some blue fabric dye. My hands are a little blue now, and my studio is pretty full of blue water. At least I had a little fun (and successfully procrastinated working on my paper)
I haven't blogged in the last few days because I have been nursing myself back to health after a horrible bee/beetle monster attack. I was running. Through a forest. I felt this sharp pain in my arm and instinctively swatted away a black oregonian bee-tle vicious biting thing. I have created this dramatization picture to help you understand what we are talking about here.I continued my run with a horrible pain in my elbow, it felt like something ripped out a huge chunk of flesh or something. I frowned for most of the run, then I turned around to run home, and at the same exact spot, I heard a buzzing sound, I slowed to try to see what the hell had bit/stung me, but found that the beething was flying right towards my neck, I didn't get a good look because I ran away as fast as possible. I have provided a close up if anyone has any clue as to what it may have been. I have had a bumpy red itchy welt on my elbow for a few days now.
On a different note. Classes start in less than a week.
On another different note, I finished my aunt's painting. I think I will just mail it and vaguely surprise her, it has to dry and all that though.
Typical day. Went for a run then worked in the studio, I've been having a little fun working on a painting for my aunt. It's obviously in progress still, but it has been fun to paint like I used to. My friend Alan made me laugh so hard I teared up, its always nice to laugh like that. People seem to enjoy my fish skeleton which I worked so hard on all summer. I was going to put him back together, but I do like all of the pieces spread apart. I am wishing that I had made more of them over the summer, although the process is pretty disgusting. We'll see what will become of him, but I do think he makes a nice addition to the work in the studio as a whole.
Lastly, I found this leaf the other day walking home, which made me grin and snatch it up.
I have been back in Eugene for nearly 2 weeks and classes do not begin for another 2 weeks. I cleaned my studio on saturday, and today they changed the building codes, so I couldn't get in to work. I've been running quite a bit, and doing a few social things, having random issues arise. The first few entries I imagine are going to be boring. Not even worth reading, until I get this situated. In terms of art, I need to find somewhere to print off a few photos from the summer. Then my next project would be to actually make a painting. What to make a painting of? I never have any idea.